The greater blessing is in giving, as Paul so beautifully expressed it in Acts 20:35: “…remember the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, that He Himself said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.” God Himself, and His Dear Son, exemplifies giving. God is the Greatest Giver of Life and every good and perfect gift. It is His joy to give to His children. But we are not talking about giving this day, rather, focus on the grace of receiving. For the great mass of humanity, receiving is their goal in life. The greater blessing is in giving, but if we do not learn how to receive we will never know how to give! It is “more” blessed to give, but that statement in itself indicates that there is also blessing in receiving.
All our hopes begin with the gift of eternal life (Romans 5:23). The first lesson of life in coming to salvation is learning to accept the unmerited, unearned, gracious gift of God. He wants His children to know how to receive His love and grace and mercy. He yearns to give more. It is not necessary to beg or plead; just ask. An improper view of the grace of God is what is hindering the giving of so many Christians. Until, and unless, we come to accept His grace as a free, loving, merciful gift, we will never know the beauties of His grace. God’s grace comes to us in the New Testament as His “eager love.” There are some grand truths about grace that every Christian must know in order to practice grace: (1) It is absolutely inexhaustible. (2) It is totally sufficient. (3) It is immediate in availability. (4) It is constant. (5) It is all forgiving. There is only one sin that grace cannot cover, and that is man’s refusal and stubbornness to receive Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour.
How we receive speaks volumes about how well we give. Great receiving makes for great giving. And it makes the giver blessed! How God loves His children who receive with thanksgiving and love all His gracious gifts. The good seed was received with joy as the sower expresses it in Mark 4:16. We must receive with meekness the engrafted Word if we are to be fruitful in the Master’s service (James 1:21). On the Day of Pentecost, those who heard the Word spoken by the Apostles “gladly received the word and were baptized” (Acts 2:41). In addition, there is a great plea by John for brethren to receive each other in Christ (3 John 8). How careful and attentive we are in receiving the Word, and each other, goes a long way toward determining the rest of our spiritual journey, and fulfilment in life. Let us learn to receive!
Word Affirmation: “But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions." - Obadiah 1:17 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“ How careful and attentive we are in receiving the Word, and each other, goes a long way toward determining the rest of our spiritual journey, and fulfilment in life. "